Leading through coaching conversations

We had an organisation from the Entertainment and Leisure industry roll out our CoachMe programme. Find out how they overcame their challenges and the impact the programme has had on conversations.

The Challenges

Our goal is to have more leaders having coaching conversations in the moment, especially given virtual working is here to stay. Currently our leaders are often more transactional, it is easier and quicker to tell, to push information rather than showing or supporting their colleagues to find the answers for themselves. We want to support and guide our leaders to coach more effectively.

New Wave are
easy to work with, have a positive energy, and delivered a great programme which had a strong business impact

The Solution

We wanted something accessible and impactful. Many of our leaders have been on coaching courses before, so we were looking for something a bit different, something practical with real hands-on approaches. We needed a solution where those with some base knowledge could sharpen their skills and turn them back on if they had fallen by the wayside, whilst others could learn new skills and develop confidence.

We chose New Wave because we liked the blended approach. It meant our colleagues could learn in their own time as well as practically developing new skills in the live sessions. It wasn’t too much time out of the business for anyone, and the spacing of the learning over 4 weeks gave time to practice in real life in between sessions.

The Impact

The programme was pitched at just the right level for our leaders, giving them new confidence and renewed energy in having coaching conversations. Everyone who took part developed a tool bank of techniques and questions that they are now deploying in the business every day. The biggest realisation was that coaching doesn’t have to be planned, changing behaviour to asking questions in the moment has had a big impact on how our leaders are empowering their teams.

Those who took part really liked the app based learning, it allowed them to complete it in their time, at their own speed, and come to the live sessions with a core base of knowledge to build on and experiment with. The simple message of "Ask more, talk less" really stayed with everyone. We are all always talking about our advice monsters now! It helped us create a common language and spot in ourselves and others when there could be coaching opportunities. The small group live sessions allowed us to play around with new techniques and skills in a safe environment.

If you are looking for an accessible programme for your people managers to shift behaviours to having more coaching conversations in the moment this is the course for you!